ABC Oriental Rug Cleaning Long Island

Oriental rugs that look old and worn can be cleaned to restore them to their original beauty. Cleaning a rug is a multiple step process that requires the use of special methods. If your oriental rug is soiled and dirty, then bring it to ABC Rug and Carpet Care.
Pre-Inspection and Pickup
A technician can come out to your home and perform an examination of your rug. This is done to see if there are any problem areas or blemishes. The front of the rug and the back of the rug is examined. The technician will recommend a cleaning process and determine the final coat. Your rug will then be taken back to our facility at no charge.
Dye Test
Rugs that arrive at out facility will be tested for the stability of the dye. A variety of cleaners are placed on the rug in small samples and covered with a white towel. The towel will stay on the rug for 24 hours and then checked to see if there is any dye transfer. This will tell us how to treat and clean the rug.
Dust Removal
Compressed air is used to remove dust and dirt that is embedded in the fibers. Regular vacuuming does not remove all the embedded material. This methods will not damage the fibers of the rug.
A citrus-based solvent is applied to the rug. This is a green cleaner that will wet the rug. We then apply a shampoo to the rug the is worked into the rug by hand with a brush. The fringes of the rug we also be cleaned. This will be done is a fresh water pool while rinsing the rug with fresh water.
Submersion Bath
The rug will then be placed in a submersion bath to rinse out debris and cleaners. We use a hand tool to rinse the entire surface of the rug from front to back. This agitates the rug to remove embedded dirt and foreign material from the fibers. This process will remove any urine stains and pet odors from the rug. Our full submersion cleaning provides superior cleaning results compared to other Oriental rug cleaning companies in Long Island.
Final Rinse
The rug is then removed from the submersion bath and rinsed with clean water. This will remove remaining dirt and residue from the rug to make it look appear as if it was new.
A humidity controlled room is used to dry the rug. This needs to be done at a speed that is not too slow and not too fast or the rug can get damaged. The rug can take up to a day or more to dry completely.
Final Grooming
Rugs that have been dried will then be brushed by hand. The fringes will also be rinsed and brushed to smooth out the pile. We will then call you and arrange for a delivery time. With out long experience and careful cleaning process, we are the best Oriental rug cleaning company in Long Island.