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ABC Silk Rug Cleaning Long Island

Silk rugs are a thing of pure beauty. They are usually handmade and much more delicate than cotton or wool rugs. The very delicate nature of the silk rug means that any kind of stress placed on it from cleaning could end up ruining it. For this reason it is important for silk rug owners to leave the cleaning up to the professionals. If you are looking for silk rug cleaners in Long Island, NY, at ABC Rug and Carpet Care our staff is fully experienced in the best practices for cleaning silk rugs.

Cleaning and Care of Silk Rugs

Due to the very delicate nature of the silk rug, regular cleaning and vacuuming can certainly lead to damage, especially if the person cleaning the rug is inexperienced. Because cleaning a silk rug is riskier than cleaning a cotton or wool rug, most rug owners choose to protect the rug rather than clean it. They keep their silk rugs in rooms with very little to no traffic. This is done as a preventative measure to keep the rug in a place that is seldom traversed. Vacuuming a silk rug is a big mistake. These rugs need to be gently swept to free the dirt. Lint rollers can also aid in cleaning this type of rug at home. Other than sweeping, silk rug owners should never attempt to clean a silk rug themselves. Any kind of chemical used on the rug can cause the colors to run. Silk rugs are susceptible to damage from heat and water as well so steam cleaning is out of the question. It is best to send silk rugs straight over to the professionals to be cleaned. Thanks to ABC Rug and Carpet Care, rug owners no longer have to hide their expensive silk rugs out of site. They can hire this company to provide professional cleaning services at affordable rates.

Our Silk Rug Care Services

When looking for experienced silk rug cleaning, Long Island, NY is home to a company that surpasses the others in quality and professionalism -- ABC Rug and Carpet Care. At ABC Rug and Carpet Care, customers are treated with respect and courtesy from the get go. This company provides a wide range of different services for their clients in order to keep them satisfied. When a customer needs their rug cleaned, all they have to do is phone this company and a professional will be dispatched to the client's home to pick up the rug. Both pick up and delivery are free from this company. Another great service provided by this company is the free consultation with a technician. Every cleaning product this company uses is made from natural ingredients and considered green and safe for the environment.