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Bonded and Insured Carpet Cleaning Company

A cleaning business that’s bonded offers an extra level of protection to their customers and employees. By hiring a business that’s bonded, you have the assurance that the job will be done correctly and that you will not have any problems with regard to it.

Not all states require cleaning businesses to be bonded. However, we know that our customers want assurance and protection against any untoward incidents that may occur when our cleaning technicians are in their homes. Theft and poor cleaning jobs are just some of the major problems customers face when hiring a cleaning company. By choosing ABC Rug and Carpet Cleaners, you will not have that problem.

Fidelity Bond that Protects You against Thieves

Aside from our surety bond, we also have a fidelity bond that protects our customers from incidents like theft, embezzlement or fraud. Although we screen everyone that works for us, we want to protect you from incidents like this, in the rare instance that it happens. With our fidelity bond, you will have peace of mind knowing that you will receive compensation if your property gets stolen or misused by someone in our team.

ABC Rug and Carpet Cleaners is your ally in keeping your home clean and comfortable. For excellent cleaning services you can rely on, call 1-888-829-7072.